Author Topic: OT: Charles Ives  (Read 29655 times)

Offline barry guerrero

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Re: OT: Charles Ives
« Reply #45 on: April 15, 2007, 02:53:51 AM »
"Is this what you are referring to Barry?"


Offline Leo K

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Re: OT: Charles Ives
« Reply #46 on: July 27, 2007, 07:11:58 PM »
Barry, it appears these SACD Ives disks from Litton are very good.  I saw Hurwitz's reviews on these recently...somehow I missed the news on these disks:

Symphonies Nos. 1 & 4; Central Park in the Dark
Dallas Symphony Orchestra

Andrew Litton

Hyperion- CDA 67540(CD)
Reference Recording - No. 1: Sinclair (Naxos); No. 4: Dohnanyi (Decca)

These are excellent performances in every respect: magnificently played, beautifully recorded, and conducted with unfailing intelligence. The First Symphony is a better piece than is often thought--immature, in its way, but also irreverent, and full of Ives' typical honesty and sincerity. This performance doesn't take the first-movement exposition repeat as does James Sinclair on Naxos, but it is a bit livelier overall and uses the latest edition (with the riotous percussion that brings the finale to a typically irreverent conclusion). The bottom line is that the music doesn't really sound like anyone else, and in Andrew Litton's hands the music in the outer movements, with its odd dissonances and freedom of modulation, clearly foretells the composer to come.

This performance of the Fourth Symphony is spectacular. I haven't heard the SACD (yet), but it's hard to imagine a more vivid engineering job. You can actually hear the steady percussive tread that wends its way through the finale at just about every point, no matter how dense the surrounding tangle of sonority. In the insane second movement, without ever underplaying the big eruptions, Litton lets us hear an unusual amount of the thematic material where you usually are least apt to find it: in the string parts. To a remarkable degree, although the jumbles still sound like jumbles (as they should), you can pick out individual strands from the welter of noise and follow them as the music progresses. It's the kind of approach that will have you coming back for more, and it keeps the music sounding always different and new. The chorus in the first movement and finale sings (or hums) excellently and is atmospherically balanced, while Litton finds both heartfelt simplicity and a surprising amount of passion in the third-movement fugue.

Central Park in the Dark makes a fine and unexpected bonus after the two big works. I am delighted not to encounter yet another recording of The Unanswered Question, a piece that for all its deserved fame offers no reason to own multiple versions of it. The only serious competition to Litton in the Ives Symphonies, taken as a cycle under one conductor, comes from Michael Tilson Thomas on Sony, who has less alluring sonics and the old edition of the First Symphony. For all intents and purposes, Litton stands in a class of his own. [10/24/2006]

--David Hurwitz

Ives: Symphonies No 2 & 3, Etc / Litton, Dallas So 
Release Date: 10/10/2006
Label:  Hyperion   Catalog #: 67525   Spars Code: n/a 
Composer:  Charles Ives
Conductor:  Andrew Litton
Orchestra/Ensemble:  Dallas Symphony Orchestra

Number of Discs: 1
Recorded in: Stereo

What a wonderful surprise it has been, seeing this release of the complete Ives symphonies on Hyperion. I have no doubt that Andrew Litton's cycle will serve as the reference for many years to come. The principal competition comes from Michael Tilson Thomas on Sony, featuring the Chicago Symphony and Amsterdam Concertgebouw orchestras. While good, and in spots excellent, MTT's heart really wasn't in the First Symphony, and the Concertgebouw, for all the beauty of its playing, lacks the rude heft to make something memorable out of the final appearance of Columbia the Gem of the Ocean at the end of the Second Symphony. That's certainly not the case here: the Dallas trombone section has a whale of a time, and Litton gives that shockingly dissonant raspberry an extra moment to make its point, just as Bernstein did. Purists may carp, save for the fact that doing it this way is very much in keeping with Ives' aesthetic--more to the point, it sounds right.

In any case, well before the finale's coda, Litton has made this recording of the Second Symphony the new standard by which others should be judged, and that includes Bernstein (both times). He milks the music's romantic side--the first and third movements--with unashamed emotionalism, and this makes the humor of the quick bits all the more telling. You won't hear a more insouciant account of the finale anywhere, while the second movement has a real spring to its step--its final bars are simply hilarious, less outrageous than the symphony's ending, but no less surprising in their own way. Litton's sweetly sentimental take on the lyrical second subject (based on the tune "Where Oh Where Are the Pea-Green Freshmen?") also bucks current orthodoxy, which has the melody played in tempo (Nashville on Naxos)--but once again it makes good musical sense.

The Third Symphony isn't as easy to play as it sounds, and Litton not only captures the music's flow to perfection, he gives the small wind and brass complement plenty of opportunity to shine, albeit sensitively. The march rhythms in the second movement skip along winningly (these are marching children, remember), and the slow finale's last bars feature beautifully judged bell sounds over their final, fading chords. As with the disc containing the First and Fourth Symphonies, the encore is unusual and very welcome. General William Booth Enters Into Heaven is one of Ives' very greatest songs, and it receives a rousing performance by Donnie Ray Albert and the Dallas Symphony Chorus. Finally, the engineering is rich, clear, and vibrant. A major achievement, no doubt about it.

--David Hurwitz

Offline barry guerrero

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Re: OT: Charles Ives
« Reply #47 on: July 28, 2007, 06:43:25 AM »
I have the CD of symphonies 1 & 4. Indeed, it's extremely good.


Offline Leo K

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Re: OT: Charles Ives
« Reply #48 on: June 08, 2008, 06:54:14 PM »

I just listened to the world premiere of the 3rd Orchestral Set (edited and realized by Porter and Josephson) this early afternoon.  It is an emotional experience to listen to this for the first time, and puts me at a place of rest and reflection, as this impressionistic work opens the memory and imagination, and the daydreams start to flash on things remembered and wished for hopes.

Jan Swafford writes that "The Third Orchestral Set may stand as the most profound discovery of the many and ongoing efforts to reconstruct uncompleted Ives works," and I would have to agree wholeheartedly.  James Sinclair and the Malmo Symphony are successful in executing these difficult, meandering scores, and bringing interest in the instrumental details heard everywhere within the sound picture.  In this 3rd Orchestral set there are rare moments of intensity in volume, and the mood remains meditative and quiet in each piece, with the second movement slightly more agitated in character.

I like the fact that Ives, Schoenberg, Berg, and Webern called their orchestral suites "sets" or "Pieces for orchestra" rather than stick the "symphony" label on these pieces.  Sorry to generalize somewhat, but around the beginning of the 20th century, the "finale problem" didn't seem to be an issue.  By labeling these works as "sets" one was free to make interesting pieces for orchestra without an apparent direction...of course I can't speak for the composers here, but in the orchestral pieces by the composers named above, I don't usually sense a "movement" towards a traditional ending, or culmination, at least in the case of Ives, who appears more concerned with a soundscape than narrative, paradoxical as this may seem when one reads the narrative titles of many of these pieces for orchestra.  The dropping of the finale creates other interesting structural possibilities for a subtler approach, or an ambiguity that could be created for the sake of varied expression, such as heard in Ives' orchestral sets as heard here.

I owe my love for this music to my grandfather, Clarence Wahlberg (see photo below, where he is featured in a small farm town newspaper in the 80's):

My Grandfather was a big fan of Irish Reels, and other Americana stuff like Turkey and the Straw, Grandma's Red Stocking, and Stephen Foster tunes among many more.  He also had a passion for Hymns, and played those the most.  He was obsessed with learning how to make his own violin, so he researched and started to learn by repairing old violins first.  He had articles about Stradivarius and Gurarneri, two master violin craftsmen and would wax lyrical over these craftsmen who lived in the 17th century for hours.  After many years of experienting and learning my Grandfather made his first violin...I think he was 64 years old at the time.  He did all this while taking care of a farm spanning over 300 acres...with cattle and etc.

I was impressed by his singular passion...and although he taught himself to play since he was a child, in his 70's he was taking lessons from a classical violinist (I never met her though).   He didn't play much serious classical, but he appreciated it.  Later he would be amused by my growing interest in European classical music, calling it "longhair music" with a laugh!  But at heart he was a country fiddler, who used to fire up dances at hoedowns when he was young...and playing in Church on Sundays as he got older.  He had a wonderful unique tone I remember well.  Somehow his violin sounded like Grandmother's singing...I was very impressed and in love with his playing.

Anyways...I digress...but this is a great release from Naxos...essential for any Ives fan...

« Last Edit: June 08, 2008, 07:46:35 PM by Leo K »

john haueisen

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Re: OT: Charles Ives
« Reply #49 on: June 08, 2008, 08:32:25 PM »
Re: "sets" or "pieces for orchestra"  (Ives, Schoenberg, Berg and Webern)

Thanks for calling attention to this, Todd.  In all those biographies of Mahler that I've read in  past weeks, I noticed that Mahler, too, was bothered by not having a more appropriate term than "symphony"--the term that carried too many connotations from the old classical era of Beethoven, Haydn & such.  There was now a new kind of music that needed a new name.
--John H

Offline barry guerrero

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Re: OT: Charles Ives
« Reply #50 on: June 09, 2008, 06:49:20 AM »
Very cool family story, Todd. Thanks for sharing, you longhair. I'm really glad that you like the 3rd Orchestral Set.


Offline Leo K

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Re: OT: Charles Ives
« Reply #51 on: July 08, 2008, 07:56:22 PM »
I've finally snagged a few of these complete Ives symphonies sets, conducted by Harold Faberman...a set I haven't heard since 1990 or so (accept for the 2nd symphony)...I have much nostaligia just by looking at the cover:

I especially remember Faberman's account of the Ives may be the best, not in sound, but in spirit.  Regardless, I also remember the almost too thin "George Martinish" production of the sound...which strangely, kinda works for these works.

I've been collecting Ives on vinyl for quite awhile now...I've been especially after the Ives vinyl I remembered checking out at the library when I was around 17 years old...with the purchase of this set I have now amassed all the Ives records I remember first coming across...a time of musical revelation and life changing all together.



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