Author Topic: Time to list your 'best' for 2020 (Mahler)  (Read 9159 times)

Offline barryguerrero

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Time to list your 'best' for 2020 (Mahler)
« on: December 31, 2020, 06:57:35 PM »
For me, 2020 wasn't such a bad Mahler year. From Vanska/Minnesota, I believe I purchased M2, M4 and M7 all in 2020. I like all three of those. From Adam Fischer/Dusseldorf, I'd say his M9 really stands out (for me). And I know my last pick will be controversial with some, but I'm quite satisfied with the Y. N-S./Philly M8. In fact, that might be my overall winner for 2020.

My best used 'find' for 2020 is a no brainer: A signed copy of Joann Faletta's M8 from Virginia that I never enough knew existed. It's a sleeper.

And thanks go to John Kim, for pointing out that I had forgotten the Paavo Jarvi/NHK Tokyo M6 on RCA. That one is real solid in all four movements!
« Last Edit: January 01, 2021, 07:44:14 PM by barryguerrero »

Offline erikwilson7

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Re: Time to list your 'best' for 2020 (Mahler)
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2020, 07:12:17 PM »
Good stuff, Barry.

The best new Mahler release for me was probably the Á. Fischer M9, followed closely by the Vänskä M7. I was also quite impressed and surprised by the I. Fischer Das Lied. I still think the Feltz M8 is a sleeper, but it has fallen off my radar. I liked the Netopil M6 as well.

Worst release of the year to my ears was the Josep Vincent M4 with the ADDA Simfònica. That soprano’s performance was... not listenable. It’s almost worth hearing just for the amusement. I was also disappointed by Jurowski’s Das Lied, the Gergiev M8 with Munich, and the digital Tilson Thomas M6.

My best discovery this year was the De Waart cycle. Someone who played second violin in the actual recordings mailed me the box set from the Netherlands, and at a generous price. Great story, and even better recordings! I also ‘discovered’ Kubelík’s and Boulez’s Mahler this year, and they have thoroughly impressed me and have become some of my favorites.

Offline John Kim

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Re: Time to list your 'best' for 2020 (Mahler)
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2020, 07:29:35 PM »
Barry: what about Jarvi/NHKSO M6th SACD that you praised so highly? I like it a lot!

For me, the best Mahler pick of 2020 is Hans Rosbaud's box set. The sound is amazingly good and the interpretations are surprisingly fresh and insightful for their time.

As for Vanska, I really like his M2nd, M7th although I didn't buy the 1st and 4th.


Offline erikwilson7

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Re: Time to list your 'best' for 2020 (Mahler)
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2020, 07:33:30 PM »
John, The Vänska M1 is divisive. I like most of it, except the third movement where the basses play in unison at the start and his tempi are slow. The M4 is excellent and worth hearing! I forgot to mention that one.

Oh, and the Rosbaud set was fantastic, and not even just for historical purposes. Good mention.

Offline barryguerrero

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Re: Time to list your 'best' for 2020 (Mahler)
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2020, 08:57:07 PM »
John, thanks for reminding me of the P. Jarvi/NHK Tokyo M6 on RCA. I added it above. It's really good.

Offline erikwilson7

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Re: Time to list your 'best' for 2020 (Mahler)
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2020, 09:12:18 PM »
I really like the P. Järvi NHK M6. I just wish I could hear the deep bells in the finale. I've said that multiple times before. I'm too picky about percussion, ha.

Offline John Kim

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Re: Time to list your 'best' for 2020 (Mahler)
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2021, 04:17:06 AM »
In the Finale Jarvi could have used more of percussion such as cymbal, bell, and hammer blows. But overall, Jarvi's M6th is really impressive. ADN I really like that the Scherzo almost immediately follows I. It makes a perfect sense.

The SACD sound is about the best I've ever heard.

I was so lucky to order the SACD just for $24 on amazon!


Offline waderice

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Re: Time to list your 'best' for 2020 (Mahler)
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2021, 01:46:58 PM »
For me, for 2020, I was so happy that the Nezet-Seguin Philly 8 finally got released, my capstone to a most memorable live experience of that performance back in 2016, of which I was there, and my wife as well.

I have gotten the Vanska M2, and think it is a very good performance.  A return to more normal tempi where the entire symphony can be put onto one disk, as did both Walter and Klemperer.  I haven't gotten any of the other Vanska performances.

While the Rosbaud Mahler box certainly is a major addition to anyone's collection, and the performances are difficult for anyone else to match, to my ears, something isn't right with the sound.  I differ with John Kim and feel that the sound could be better.  I base my complaint on comparison with other Rosbaud sets of other composers that I have in my collection, and big orchestral sound (particularly with Rosbaud's performances of Bruckner Symphonies 2 - 9) is a lot better.  I wonder if there was something about the original Mahler tapes that wasn't right, plus it sounds a little like some artificial reverb was added.  James Meckley mentioned that he might check into technical aspects of the transfers, but we never did hear anything more from him.

Lastly, in addition to the Nezet-Seguin Philly M8, it was a joy to finally obtain a copy in decent condition, of the de Waart complete cycle, at a REASONABLE price.

Barry, what was your source for the Falletta M8?  A private complimentary "donor" recording?


Offline ChrisH

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Re: Time to list your 'best' for 2020 (Mahler)
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2021, 02:55:24 PM »
I hope everyone had an enjoyable New Years Eve last night!

Jarvi with his M6 was a real highlight for me. Well played, recorded and damned aggresive approach, which I really enjoyed. I do agree that more hammer should be in the mix, but the other percussion sounded quite good to me. As John said, this is an excellent recording, one th of best recorded M6's out there.

I. Fischer's DLVDE is also a recording I really enjoyed. Skelton gets a little shouty at time, but Rhomberger really makes up for it with her very intelligent singing choices, and her ability to really blend with the color and timbres of the orchestra. Some of Fischer's tempos may be off putting to some, but they really worked for me. A very fluid, well imagined reading. Also, a shout out, to Jared Sacks at Channel Classics, he did an amazing job with this recording. It's intesting how a changes in equipment can really show up in the final product of a recording.

My favorite recording of the year was not a Mahler recording, but Thielemanns new FrOSH with the Vienna. Not really a fan of Thielemann, but he knocked it out of the park with this recording. It seemed everyone was one fire when they recorded it. Otherwordly orchestra, top-notch singing, and Thielmann actually being interesing.


Offline barryguerrero

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Re: Time to list your 'best' for 2020 (Mahler)
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2021, 07:42:28 PM »
Wade, used copies of the JoAnn Falletta M8 are available through Amazon. It's well worth what little they're asking for it. They're also showing it as being available as an MP3 download too.

Chris, I'm sure Thielemann's "Die Frau ohne Schatten" is very good. However, even used copies through Amazon are quite expensive. I have several good ones on CD and DVD already. If I ever stumble upon it at a bargain price, I'll grab it. I prefer the classic Bohm ones to the Solti. The Sinopoli on Teldec wasn't bad either. Great music!

Prosit Neujahr, fellow Mahler enthusiasts!

I should mention my two, more 'historical' purchases in 2020. First,  L.P.O.'s own box of 'live' Tennsedt Mahler performances. It contains both his 1989 and 1981 M2's. I attended the 1981 performance and was THRILLED to get reacquainted with it! I think I actually prefer it to the 1989 one. It also has a mid '80's performance of M6 that possesses the most truly frightening scherzo I've ever heard. That movement doesn't just sit there like a rock, waiting for everyone argue as to where it should have been placed.

My other one was the Japanese "Tower Records Vintage Collection" reissue of Haitink's Kerstmatinee Mahler performances. I'm sure some of you are well acquainted with that box. I've listened to the M3 and liked it very much. Next up will be M7 and M9. I'm not so concerned about the M1 and M5 in the box, but I'll get around to those as well.     
« Last Edit: January 01, 2021, 07:57:03 PM by barryguerrero »

Offline John Kim

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Re: Time to list your 'best' for 2020 (Mahler)
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2021, 09:40:17 PM »

I own the original Philips box set of Haitink/RCO live Mahler concerts. Does the Japanese Tower Records version sound any better?


Offline barryguerrero

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Re: Time to list your 'best' for 2020 (Mahler)
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2021, 10:33:20 PM »
I can't say as I've never heard the first Dutch Masters box. My suspicion is that any differences would be pretty minor (no pun intended). I also can't tell if they're an improvement over the DVD's, because I'm playing those over difference equipment. My guess is that it wouldn't be worth making the upgrade (if any), but I could be wrong.

Offline James Meckley

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Re: Time to list your 'best' for 2020 (Mahler)
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2021, 06:46:44 AM »
James Meckley mentioned that he might check into technical aspects of the transfers, but we never did hear anything more from him.


I've had a lot going on lately, but you've re-triggered my curiosity. I set my my dual-trace oscilloscope to its X-Y mode in order to display what's known as a Lissajous pattern. Such a setting presents a pure monaural signal as a single straight line extending from the lower left to the upper right of the screen. Any deviation from pure monaural would result in a widening of the line into an elliptical shape, the wider the ellipse the greater the deviation. Such was the case with the Rosbaud Mahler box—it is not pure monaural—and that is as much as I can say based on this simple analysis. Whether what the folks at SWR/WDR have done is an enhancement or a detriment to the listening experience is for the individual listener to decide.
"We cannot see how any of his music can long survive him."
Henry Krehbiel, New York Tribune obituary of Gustav Mahler

Offline barryguerrero

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Re: Time to list your 'best' for 2020 (Mahler)
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2021, 08:00:57 AM »
Weird. I'm steering wide and clear of this Rosbaud box. It's just not essential for me. I have his DG Sibelius disc, and burnt copies of his more 'modern' stuff. That's good enough for me. Also, it's a pity that his legendary Chicago performances didn't get recorded.

Offline waderice

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Re: Time to list your 'best' for 2020 (Mahler)
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2021, 11:49:38 AM »
James Meckley mentioned that he might check into technical aspects of the transfers, but we never did hear anything more from him.


I've had a lot going on lately, but you've re-triggered my curiosity. I set my my dual-trace oscilloscope to its X-Y mode in order to display what's known as a Lissajous pattern. Such a setting presents a pure monaural signal as a single straight line extending from the lower left to the upper right of the screen. Any deviation from pure monaural would result in a widening of the line into an elliptical shape, the wider the ellipse the greater the deviation. Such was the case with the Rosbaud Mahler box—it is not pure monaural—and that is as much as I can say based on this simple analysis. Whether what the folks at SWR/WDR have done is an enhancement or a detriment to the listening experience is for the individual listener to decide.

Thanks for the explanation, James.  Probably what I will do on any future listenings of any of the discs from the Rosbaud box is simply to set the amplifier switch on my system from stereo to mono.  Barry, if you can do the same on your listening equipment, don't let whatever reprocessing was done to the Rosbaud recordings keep you from obtaining the box.  They are excellent performances.



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