Author Topic: Jansons/RCOA M1 is another really good one.  (Read 4111 times)

Offline barry guerrero

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Jansons/RCOA M1 is another really good one.
« on: June 15, 2007, 01:38:31 PM »
I can confirm what someone had posted here last month or so:  the new Jansons M1 is really good. It's a straight forward, no nonsense performance, captured in excellent sound. Unfortunately (to my mind), they left on the audience applause. However, they immediately go nuts. Given just how much Mahler is a common coin in Amsterdam, that must be saying something (do they ever get sick of Mahler?).

Compared to the recent Zinman M1, the Jansons is a bigger-bone performance and recording. The dynamic range is really big. Zinman may be a tad better at smelling the roses along the way, especially in the slightly subdued, "wayfahring" development passage in the first movement. Like Zinman, Jansons begins the scherzo slow enough to allow a real lilt and swing to development. I like how Zinman is a bit more restrained with the noisy opening to the finale (without shortchanging the trombones), but Jansons sounds bigger at the finale's coda. However, it seemed to me that Zinman had pushed forward - tempo wise -  just a tad more at the coda. Both are very good. There's no "Blumine" offered with the Jansons.

I hope that this same team - including the recording engineers - will soon turn their attentions to the Mahler 7th. Again, this is just a great sounding recording - really well played, too.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2007, 01:49:11 PM by barry guerrero »

Offline Leo K

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Re: Jansons/RCOA M1 is another really good one.
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2007, 01:46:17 PM »
Thanks for the report Barry...I must check this recording out.  I also just got the Zinman M1 and will listen soon.



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