General Category => Gustav Mahler and Related Discussions => Topic started by: ChrisH on May 22, 2011, 01:32:33 PM

Title: Leipzig Mahlerfest
Post by: ChrisH on May 22, 2011, 01:32:33 PM
I've been able to attend the 7th and Das Lied so far and hopefully will be picking up tickets to the 5th then ending my stay here with the 6th. It's quite incredible; at least for me. The 7th was quite good; though Seguin used some interesting rubato, especially in the 1st movement. I will say his Finale was literally balls to the wall. I would guess it clocked in somewhere in the 16 minute range.

Having basically just left Das Lied, I'm actually quite overwhelmed. The RCO is a jaw dropping ensemble. I never knew one could play so softly and with such intensity. I don't have much to say about the vocalist; I was sitting behind the orchestra below the organ. They sounded decent, but I couldn't really hear them well enough to comment.

A few other things...It's really neat to walk around town and see pictures of Mahler everywhere. The Gewandhous has very nice CD shop. And the Chailly 2nd and 8th will be released in September in DVD/Blu-Ray. A very nice book was put together for this, entitled Mahler in Leipzig.

If you all have any questions, I'll do my best.

Title: Re: Leipzig Mahlerfest
Post by: barry guerrero on May 22, 2011, 06:57:20 PM

I'm so thrilled that you're able to be there! I've been quite blown away by the 'streams' on ArteWeb. I thought what Nezet-Seguin did at the very end of M7 was incredible. The Salonen/Dresden M3 has come closest to my ideal M3, ever. The Dresdeners just have the right sound! I've never heard of Maerkl, but he was quite good with M10. I'll certainly be picking up those DVDs of M2 and M8 with Chailly also. I'll bet the Zinman M6 is going to be quite good.

Do you know if the will is/will be offered on the Gewandhaus website? I would be interested in picking up that book if it isn't outrageously expensive. What an incredible time for Mahler buffs to be alive.

Title: Re: Leipzig Mahlerfest
Post by: Russ Smiley on May 22, 2011, 08:37:42 PM
I've been able to attend the 7th and Das Lied so far and ...
...the Chailly 2nd and 8th will be released in September in DVD/Blu-Ray. A very nice book was put together for this, entitled Mahler in Leipzig.

If you all have any questions, I'll do my best.


Is it known if the DVDs will be widely available?  The M2 and M10 I've sampled so far have been very intriguing.
Title: Re: Leipzig Mahlerfest
Post by: ChrisH on May 22, 2011, 08:44:55 PM

I think the book will be available at the Gewandhous website. They released it for the Fest. It cost me 39.80 Euro and the price goes up 10 on June 1st. The book itself is very nice, thick pages, great photo's and an entire listing of everything he conducted here while at the opera. Let me tell you, he conducted a hell of a lot of Wagner here. I'd say if you've got the extra cash, this book would be worth while for anyone that shares the same interest. It's in both English and German.

I wanted to hear the Dresden 3rd badly, but couldn't fit into the schedule. I also lost out on a chance to hear Haitink conduct M9 in Amsterdam because of a near soccer riot outside the Concertgebouw when Ajax won a rather serious match. It was quite interesting to be leaving the Rijsmuseam; it's nice tranquil setting, beautiful painting then hoping to walk across a park to the RCO and get some tickets, only to find tens of thousands of insanely wasted soccer fans chanting down a street. Every single one of them had a 6 pack. My girlfriend and I trudged our way through all this, getting to the Concertgebouw only to find every single door locked.

I really felt the M7 got better as it went along; 1st movement was a bit rough in spots, but it got progressively better. And that Rondo...damn. My girlfriend didn't like the cow bells at all. This is her first Mahler and that's what she pointed out. You should have seen their gong though, it was HUGE!

I'll report more later. Hopefully the 5th tomorrow with New York and Gilbert. That could truly be something special. His 3rd, to me, was monumental.

The sign at the Gewandhous shop read like they DVD's of the 2nd and 8th would be available world wide. If not, the shop their is very helpful. They REALLY love their orchestra here.

Title: Re: Leipzig Mahlerfest
Post by: ChrisH on May 22, 2011, 08:50:23 PM
Also, I did purchase a box-set of the Zinman cycle, in SACD it also comes with the Going against fate DVD. It's labeled as limited edition, don't know what the availability on that will be. It's a nice box though. I also picked up the Gielen 7th, Nuemann 5th/Gewandhous, and Nagano's 3rd. In Amsterdam I picked up the Jansons 3rd and some cheap Beethoven Sonata discs by Ronald Brautigam on Fortepiano. If you like Beethoven Sonata's these may change everything you've thought about them.
Title: Re: Leipzig Mahlerfest
Post by: barry guerrero on May 22, 2011, 10:32:06 PM
"on Fortepiano. If you like Beethoven Sonata's these may change everything you've thought about them."

.    .    .   meaning you'll now hate them?   ;)

And by the way, thanks for the all the great info.
Title: Re: Leipzig Mahlerfest
Post by: mike bosworth on May 23, 2011, 02:25:54 AM

I think the book will be available at the Gewandhous website. They released it for the Fest. It cost me 39.80 Euro and the price goes up 10 on June 1st. The book itself is very nice, thick pages, great photo's and an entire listing of everything he conducted here while at the opera. Let me tell you, he conducted a hell of a lot of Wagner here. I'd say if you've got the extra cash, this book would be worth while for anyone that shares the same interest. It's in both English and German.

A copy of this new book ("Mahler in Leipzig") is already en route to me as I type.  I got it for less than EUR 32 (after discount) at, a price which includes free shipping (to a European address, at least).

Mike Bosworth

P.S. For the last few months the "preview post" function has not been working for me at this site.  Anyone else experiencing this?
Title: Re: Leipzig Mahlerfest
Post by: James Meckley on May 23, 2011, 04:05:54 AM
P.S. For the last few months the "preview post" function has not been working for me at this site.  Anyone else experiencing this?

It's been working normally for me.

Title: Re: Leipzig Mahlerfest
Post by: brunumb on May 23, 2011, 06:05:52 AM
Preview is not working for me either.  All I get is
"Fetching preview..."
Title: Re: Leipzig Mahlerfest
Post by: sperlsco on May 24, 2011, 08:49:19 PM
Preview is not working for me either.  All I get is
"Fetching preview..."

I'm glad I noticed someone else having this problem.  I can get the preview to work on Google Chrome browser, but not Internet Explorer. 

I'll see if I can fix this.