Author Topic: M4/von Karajan/BP  (Read 12700 times)

Offline chalkpie

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M4/von Karajan/BP
« on: August 13, 2010, 03:35:03 AM »
I just listened to the M4 at the site since this recording is in "1st" place at the moment.

Gotta say I loved it to death - what a reading! Smooth - yes. But what heartfelt emotion! And an overall great performance (with one severely out-of-tune passage by the winds I think at one point). Crap, I may even have to suck it up and buy this one. I am usually indifferent to HvK, but this is impressive.

What is the general consensus out there of this M4 with you krazy kats?

Offline John Kim

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Re: M4/von Karajan/BP
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2010, 04:46:46 AM »
I've always said Karajan's M4th is one of my favorites. Yes, it's beautifully proportioned, played, and recorded. Nothing wrong with that. Some reported that there are a few glitches in the playing and I could pick one or two in the Scherzo. But what a fantastic ride Karajan had given us!


Offline barry guerrero

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Re: M4/von Karajan/BP
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2010, 05:32:20 AM »

While I can't share quite the same level of enthusiasm for Karajan's M4, I love your description of it. I also very much like Edith Mathis. She's also on the Bernstein/VPO M4 that's been issued on dvd. Edith Mathis is also really good on the Kubelik M8 - the best sung M8 of all! Indeed, one could do far, FAR worse than the Karajan M4 (including MTT).

Offline chalkpie

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Re: M4/von Karajan/BP
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2010, 02:01:22 PM »
I've always said Karajan's M4th is one of my favorites. Yes, it's beautifully proportioned, played, and recorded. Nothing wrong with that. Some reported that there are a few glitches in the playing and I could pick one or two in the Scherzo. But what a fantastic ride Karajan had given us!


Excellent. So it sounds like we may be on the same page in regards to what else John do you dig besides this one?

M4 and M8 are the two GM symphs that get the least amount of airtime with me, but I'm slowly coming around....


While I can't share quite the same level of enthusiasm for Karajan's M4, I love your description of it. I also very much like Edith Mathis. She's also on the Bernstein/VPO M4 that's been issued on dvd. Edith Mathis is also really good on the Kubelik M8 - the best sung M8 of all! Indeed, one could do far, FAR worse than the Karajan M4 (including MTT).

Barry - what exactly doesn't float your boat here? Usually it seems I dig the majority of recordings you like (albeit you've heard 100's more than I!), so I'm curious why this disc isn't a favorite?

Offline chalkpie

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Re: M4/von Karajan/BP
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2010, 02:35:45 PM »
Sorry - this may be a bit O/T for a Karajan thread - but.....

It seems the Levi/Atlanta M4 gets a lot of love at Clamazon. Can this be confirmed by anybody here?

I know the new Fischer M4 also gets major props, but the asking price ($$$$$$$$$) is way too rich for my blood, so I am thinking about adding the Levi and Karajan to my fishlist.

Offline John Kim

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Re: M4/von Karajan/BP
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2010, 03:58:32 PM »
I've always said Karajan's M4th is one of my favorites. Yes, it's beautifully proportioned, played, and recorded. Nothing wrong with that. Some reported that there are a few glitches in the playing and I could pick one or two in the Scherzo. But what a fantastic ride Karajan had given us!


Excellent. So it sounds like we may be on the same page in regards to what else John do you dig besides this one?

M4 and M8 are the two GM symphs that get the least amount of airtime with me, but I'm slowly coming around....


While I can't share quite the same level of enthusiasm for Karajan's M4, I love your description of it. I also very much like Edith Mathis. She's also on the Bernstein/VPO M4 that's been issued on dvd. Edith Mathis is also really good on the Kubelik M8 - the best sung M8 of all! Indeed, one could do far, FAR worse than the Karajan M4 (including MTT).

Barry - what exactly doesn't float your boat here? Usually it seems I dig the majority of recordings you like (albeit you've heard 100's more than I!), so I'm curious why this disc isn't a favorite?
Haitink/RCO/RCO (SACD)
Previn/PO/EMI (one of my all time favorites)
Kletzki/PO/EMI (ditto)

and there is the classic Lenny/NYPO/Sony which is always near the top of my list.


Offline barry guerrero

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Re: M4/von Karajan/BP
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2010, 04:26:07 PM »
"Barry - what exactly doesn't float your boat here? Usually it seems I dig the majority of recordings you like (albeit you've heard 100's more than I!), so I'm curious why this disc isn't a favorite?"

In M4, I like just a tad more tempo, and for textures to be just a tad more "streamlined" (for a lack of a better way of putting it).
Yes, I like the Ivan Fischer one, greatly because Miah Persson is so tailor made for the part (plus great sound). The new Markus Stenz one is really good, and has a great scherzo. The Macal/Czech Phil. one on Exton is really good too (and also has a very good soprano). But believe me, back "in the day", I was perfectly satisfied with the Karajan. If these other ones were to suddenly go away, I could very comfortably live with the Karajan.

Offline chalkpie

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Re: M4/von Karajan/BP
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2010, 09:42:07 PM »
"Barry - what exactly doesn't float your boat here? Usually it seems I dig the majority of recordings you like (albeit you've heard 100's more than I!), so I'm curious why this disc isn't a favorite?"

In M4, I like just a tad more tempo, and for textures to be just a tad more "streamlined" (for a lack of a better way of putting it).
Yes, I like the Ivan Fischer one, greatly because Miah Persson is so tailor made for the part (plus great sound). The new Markus Stenz one is really good, and has a great scherzo. The Macal/Czech Phil. one on Exton is really good too (and also has a very good soprano). But believe me, back "in the day", I was perfectly satisfied with the Karajan. If these other ones were to suddenly go away, I could very comfortably live with the Karajan.

Fair enough.

Nobody here can comment on the Levi/Atlanta M4? I find that hard to believe....

Offline barry guerrero

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Re: M4/von Karajan/BP
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2010, 05:48:29 PM »
Sorry Chalkpie,

Indeed, the Levi/Telarc M4 is yet another really good one, and certainly a lot less expensive than the Fischer (not to mention expensive Exton imports). You also get a pretty good "Songs Of a Wayfarhrer" with Flicka (or was it the Ruckertlieder?). I believe that D.H. gave it a 10/10 at Classicstoday.

I sold one just last week at the Muscal Offering in Berkeley, was that you?

Offline chalkpie

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Re: M4/von Karajan/BP
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2010, 01:01:48 AM »
Sorry Chalkpie,

Indeed, the Levi/Telarc M4 is yet another really good one, and certainly a lot less expensive than the Fischer (not to mention expensive Exton imports). You also get a pretty good "Songs Of a Wayfarhrer" with Flicka (or was it the Ruckertlieder?). I believe that D.H. gave it a 10/10 at Classicstoday.

I sold one just last week at the Muscal Offering in Berkeley, was that you?

I figured you had this Barry - if not - I was gonna get a bit worried and question your Mahler credentials  ;)

Anyway, I just got this (been on vacation) and gave it a spin while the kids were running amok and creating mass chaos. In a word - KILLER! Best 10 bucks I spent all week.

Love everything about it. 'Nuff said. Great sound too. I love the fact that they list all the mics, preamps, DAC's, monitors, etc in the liners. I haven't done "Wayfarer" yet.

This one is a keeper and jumps to the elite versions of M4's that I own.

PS - I ordered it from Best Buy, Barry, so I have no idea where they get their product from?


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