"The bias against historical recordings seems to elevate technology at any cost over musical understanding to a curious degree"
No. Stop. Not true. If anything, it's the other way around. The Archipel issue - or whatever label this is - sounds just fine. I have no real issues with the sound. Even the 1955 M4 sounds better than the better known 1950 one - good enough to just be, 'good enough'. In my case, I'm simply talking about Ferrier as a singer. I suspect that there's too much 'digging her' for sentimental reasons. For me, it might have something to do with vocal styles and techniques of the past, in comparison to today. That much I will concede. However, there are many blast-from-the-past singers who I like just fine, who come from a time of limited technology and generally 'crappy' sounding orchestras (whiney, oily, out-of-tune oboes are often times a prominent feature). Gigli certainly comes to mind - a great singer from a time of limited technology and awful sounding orchestras.