There are live performances not on standard CD etc issues often on BBC Radio 3. There was also a Pappano/Santa Ceclia O Mahler 1 that was quite dynamic---August 10
Pappano, Sta. Cecilia O M1 August 10
Dausgaard BBC Scottish O M5 August 19.
Fisher M4 Budapest Fest. August 22 [also Bartok, Music for strings percussion and celesta ].
[Also Hungarian dances and Brahms 1 on August 23-well worth sampling. Amazing performances on the 22nd and 23rd]
Nelsons BSO M3 September 3
At least a source of new performances that can be accessed for 30 days and down loaded if you wish. This gives a cross section of Mahler performances being done now. I found Pappano, Dausgaard, and the live Fischer all worth hearing. Views will vary, of course.
I have heard muted responses to Nelsons' M3 earlier this year, but will sample the Proms version.
Again these are all available for streaming for 30 days after the initial broadcast. There will be Haitink M9 performances in Lucerne and Amsterdam later this month and early next that may be broadcast. And I am sure there are many other on line sources. Anyway, intriguing to hear some of the latest performances.