My reaction was almost the opposite. I thought the first movement was excellent, with plenty of time taken for the slower, centrally placed 'moonlit' passage. I thought Nelsons did a good job of 'lurking in the shadows' in the first two movements, and being more optimistic and 'sunny' in the last two movements. In that regard, he reminded me of Kent Nagano and Osmo Vanska in this work. In the second movement (Nachtmusik I), I like how he took his time where the horns play their signals to each other, while the cowbells quietly bong away in the background. That was done superbly - much better than usual. I thought the second Nachtmusik was absolutely gorgeous, without sounding either rushed or dragged. I enjoyed the entire performance very much.
The whole thing just seemed more introspective, complex and 'probed into' than yet another 'paint by the numbers', 'just the notes, mam', run-through by the Concertgebouw (except at the height of Haitink's powers).