Author Topic: Halasz/Polish Nat./Naxos M9...a nice suprise  (Read 6264 times)

Offline Leo K

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Halasz/Polish Nat./Naxos M9...a nice suprise
« on: March 29, 2008, 06:49:35 PM »
Found this cheap the other day...just finished the the first movement...a nice surprise so far!  At 28:58 nothing is rushed and rather Horenstein-like in conception (except the tempo is more flexable).  Nice otherworldy string action after the first tutti eruption with a nice portimento moment, not overdone at all.  The horns are strong, with bite.  The 1st climax is drawn out more than I ususally hear, the high trilling strings and winds are piercing and even "bone chilling", and the tempo after the crash is slower to great emotional effect.  The 2nd climax is also slower, which is good for hearing details leading up to the crash...the details of the score is clear during all the louder sections.  The action between the 2nd and 3rd climaxe is agitated and also rather grand sounding as the 3rd climax draws near...a feeling of hope and optimism.  The 3rd climax is slow and the tam tam sounding deep, not overly loud but the lower brass is loud...nothing sounds wimpy here.  Sadly, the bells are hard to hear though. 

It sounds a little like Kobayashi's M9 on Exton, except the climaxes may have more power, and the playing by the Polish National Radio Symphony have the edge in the lower brass. 

Anybody heard this M9?  I can't find any comments online.


« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 07:02:12 PM by Leo K »

Offline John Kim

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Re: Halasz/Polish Nat./Naxos M9...a nice suprise
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2008, 07:12:22 PM »

I have this recording and I too like it. It is a warm and expansive reading only slightly marred by the less than stellar playing by the orchestra that doesn't seem to have enough power to carry on with the R-B. But it's Halasz's interpretation that I like most and for $ it's definitely worth acquiring.


Offline Leo K

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Re: Halasz/Polish Nat./Naxos M9...a nice suprise
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2008, 08:50:34 PM »

I just finished listening to the rest of the recording...Halasz's concept for the adagio is unique to my ears...very spiritual, but with power at the main climax.  The adagio is the most successful here perhaps...the strings really show their best, with sensitivity and nuance.  The brass is quite powerful too.  I will definitely revist this again and again.

Yet I really like the arc of the whole performance...I agree the playing can be less than steller in parts, but like you said...the interpretation is very satisfying and deeply moving.


Offline barry guerrero

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Re: Halasz/Polish Nat./Naxos M9...a nice suprise
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2008, 05:51:52 AM »
Fred Beckman - the guy I mentioned to you about (importer of Wuhan tam-tams and Persion rugs; acquaintance of Clinton Carpenter, and the #3 UFO man in the country, behind J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee) - he was a big fan of this particular Mahler 9th. He greatly admired the Polish string playing.



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