General Category > Gustav Mahler and Related Discussions

**FIXED** (hopefully) HACKED SEARCH FUNCTION - 4/13

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By Jove, I think you've done it!

Thanks for your tenacity!


On a Mac you use option-u and then type the letter where you want the umlaut. As in Hübsch.

There are also French grave and acute accents available. Option-e yields an acute accent (sloping to the right) over the next letter. French for doctor: médecin.

French grave is option-`(accent key to the left of the number row). French very: très.

There are other diacritical marks accessed in similar ways.

These show on my screen and may show up in the post.

On a Mac option U + letter equals an umlauted letter as in: ü. So, I believe it works this way: hübsch, Furtwängler,  Götterdämmerung. If five umlauted letters show in this message, it works on a Mac.

Tom in Vermont


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