I heard Haitink/LSO/LSO is pretty good.
Well, you never heard it from me, and have heard many times that I consider his LSO recordings absolutely gawd awful boring. Like his late Mahler, these are uninspired, paint-by-numbers performances. Blech!
I love Brahms. Especially the 1st and 3rd. There is no recommendable SACD cycle as far as I'm concerned. My choices would be:
Brahms 1 - none on SACD (Alsop! Run away! Run away!)
Brahms 2 - Jansons (good but not great performance, good SACD audio)
Brahms 3 - none on SACD
Brahms 4 - Walter (good performance, expansive, noble, not so good SACD sound, SACD is no better than RBCD)
I have not yet heard the SACD recordings by Sieghart on Exton, available only from Japan, but I'd really like to. I am endlessly optimistic that someday, someone will turn up on SACD who will knock my socks off.