Author Topic: D.H.'s 10/10 review (Classicstoday) of Honeck/Pittsburgh S.O. M1 (Exton)  (Read 16883 times)

Offline wagnerlover

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Re: D.H.'s 10/10 review (Classicstoday) of Honeck/Pittsburgh S.O. M1 (Exton)
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2010, 06:55:22 PM »
Thanks for the heads-up about Feb 9 at Carnegie Hall.  I just got a ticket!  Can't wait.

Offline Russell

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Re: D.H.'s 10/10 review (Classicstoday) of Honeck/Pittsburgh S.O. M1 (Exton)
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2010, 06:59:54 PM »
I hate to be the lone dissenter here, but I just wasn't that impressed with this performance.  Granted, I only listened to it once (last night, actually) and it sounded pretty routine and lifeless to me.  Granted there were a few unexpected moments--the wonderful emphasis on the horn trills toward the end of the first movement, for example--but overall it seemed uninspired.  Perhaps I need to give it another listen, but the recent Jansons/Concertgebouw on RCO--probably my current favorite among recent M1s, strikes me as much more exciting and spontaneous.  Very good sound from Exton (though I found the bass a little tubby), and much better than what I've heard from the PentaTone engineers on the Janowski Brahms SACDs.  (Though I think the sound quality on the Jansons--in 2-channel stereo at least--surpasses the Exton.)


Offline John Kim

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Re: D.H.'s 10/10 review (Classicstoday) of Honeck/Pittsburgh S.O. M1 (Exton)
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2010, 07:16:22 PM »
Speaking of recent M1 recordings, I think the Haitink/CSO is pretty good. Although I-III are somewhat understated and undercharacterized, the Finale is excellent with plenty of power, heft, and precision from the Chicago brass and percussion.

The sound is very good too.


Offline barry guerrero

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Re: D.H.'s 10/10 review (Classicstoday) of Honeck/Pittsburgh S.O. M1 (Exton)
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2010, 10:20:05 PM »
Yeah, but so what? Tons of other M1's have plenty of heft and power in the finale, including pretty much every other one that involves the CSO. What's the point, john? Simply that it's Haitink, so it must therefore be great? Come ooooooon.

Offline John Kim

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Re: D.H.'s 10/10 review (Classicstoday) of Honeck/Pittsburgh S.O. M1 (Exton)
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2010, 11:27:56 PM »
Yeah, but so what? Tons of other M1's have plenty of heft and power in the finale, including pretty much every other one that involves the CSO. What's the point, john? Simply that it's Haitink, so it must therefore be great? Come ooooooon.
No, Barry.

I am simply saying I didn't dislike it as much as I thought I would;).


Offline barry guerrero

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Re: D.H.'s 10/10 review (Classicstoday) of Honeck/Pittsburgh S.O. M1 (Exton)
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2010, 11:41:17 PM »
OK.   8)


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