Personally, I like this orchestra more than the Concertgebouw. For one thing, the trumpets use German rotary valve ones, which I prefer in Austro-German music. I haven't listened to all of this, but I feel that N.-S. slows down too much for the Brahmsian second subject (very autumnal sounding) in the Purgatorio movement. I know he wants to make a contrast there, but it's too much of one - it really brings the music to a standstill. Frankly, I think the desired world-weary, autumnal sounding effect works better when it's kept moving. Also, if you're going to slow down THAT MUCH for the climactic passage of the Purgatoria, why not add some extra percussion! - a cymbal crash at exactly 41:00, and a mezzoforte tam-tam stroke at 48:14. Neither one needs to be loud. It would add a lot. Still, this is quite good, so thanks for posting it.