Jansons/BRSO M3rd: I really like the recording for both performance & sound. I don't have any issues with the sonics (Im listening to the latest remastering). Like you said, Stuzmann in IV is outstanding and unbeatable. However, I have two quibbles. First, in the coda of III. I can hardly hear tam tam. Second, V. is weak. I mean, where is the menace in the middle section of the movt.? Jansons doesn't seem to understand the meaning of What Angels Tell me in this sense, but most other conductors don either. However, the last 7 min of Finale is beyond reproach: I really like the way Jansons draws the last bar of the movt long enough to have the full impact.
Haitink/BRSO M3rd: I think the opening movt is simply too long and dragging not just tempo wise but also in its contents. The rest of the performance is very fine though.