Scoreless innings may be the immediate pain, but it's losses that matter. No amount of losses by the Seattle Mariners equals those by any Washington, DC baseball team, the old American League Senators and the current National League Nationals combined. No Washington, DC baseball team has ever come close to getting in, or succeeding in any post-season playoff derby since the 1920's. Even the downtrodden Chicago Cubs have come closer to a championship in recent memory than any Washington, DC baseball team. At least Seattle fans have fond memories of doing decent during the regular season, if only partially post-season. To add further insult to injury, think of the pain of doing without a major league team for 35 years in your own home town and having to go to the next nearby town (Baltimore) to "cheer" for a team whose native sports fans care not even a hoot (in fact, hate) anything to do with Washington teams. That's the baseball pain that native-born people of Washington, DC have had to endure. If you do the research, you'll see what I'm talking about.
I can't remember the name of the exact individual in the myth, but whomever he was, there was this guy who had to push a burden up a hill every day and never made it to the top, only to have to start again at the bottom the next day, to repeat the endless cycle of going up that hill. For natives of Washington, DC who are baseball fans, it's a bit like that. So be happy with what Seattle did in the not-too-distant past, with Ken Griffey. Memories are good for the soul.