Author Topic: Netopil/Essen M3 (Oehms) - now out on Spotify  (Read 9204 times)

Offline barryguerrero

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Netopil/Essen M3 (Oehms) - now out on Spotify
« on: May 18, 2023, 09:51:27 PM »
I like the cover too, not that that matters. Samples available now at Presto Music.                                                                                   
« Last Edit: June 16, 2023, 04:45:56 AM by barryguerrero »

Offline erikwilson7

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I love how those times look too.

The samples sound good. This caused me to go back and listen to some of their previous recordings, 2, 6, and 9. They're all just fine. In comparing this developing cycle to Oehms' other with Stenz, there are aspects of both I like. For example, I think Netopil has the better 2 and 9, but Stenz the better 6. The sound quality is pretty similar in each cycle for the most part, so it will be fun to compare them both or even mix and match when all is said and done.

There's something about a normal, middle-of-the-road Mahler recording that really does it for me sometimes. I don't really know why.

Offline barryguerrero

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Not only that (Oehms), but the Simone Young M2 and M6 are quite good as well. Young's M6 is noteworthy, in that she uses the first version of the score from the lead-in to the third hammer stroke, to the start of the funereal dirge for low brass (trombones, low horns and tuba). Obviously I'm talking about towards the end of the finale.

Yes, I think much of Stenz's cycle is better than many folks think. The M3 is terrific in its own way. I like his "Des Knaben Wunderhorn" very much.

I agree about the samples sounding really good on Netopil's M3. The bells at the start of the "bim, bam" choral movement sound terrific. I like the pacing throughout. We'll see how it turns out.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2023, 06:08:47 AM by barryguerrero »

Offline John Kim

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I quite like Netopil's M6th. By all accounts it's pretty excellent performance. The only letdown is the orchestra. With VPO or BPO, it would have made near the top of my favorite M6ths.


Offline barryguerrero

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Re: Netopil/Essen M3 (Oehms) - now out on Spotify
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2023, 04:50:33 AM »
Well, I listened to most of Netopil's M3 tonight on Spotify. There's some very pretty playing, and the tempos are all pretty much up to speed. I just find it  lacks muscle where some muscle is needed. It's not bad, mind you. I think the Scherzo may be the best movement on here. I love the bells at the start of the "bim-bam" choral movement, and the children are quite strong. However, the centrally placed orchestral passage goes for almost nothing. The percussion are almost non-existent there (why!?!). The brass chorale near the end of the finale isn't bad, but it doesn't have a whole of amplitude either. I need to give this a more serious listening when I can crank up the volume. That may greatly change the perspective.

Offline erikwilson7

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Re: Netopil/Essen M3 (Oehms) - now out on Spotify
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2023, 03:23:39 PM »
I had the same initial thoughts, Barry. It checks all the boxes in the score and I can tell that Netopil puts some soul into it, but the orchestra lacks "oomph" and a sense of occasion. On the other hand, Oehms' other M3 with Stenz has a great amount of "oomph" from the orchestra but I don't really get a sense that Stenz loves this symphony as much as, say, symphonies 5–8.

In comparing the two Oehms cycles so far, my preferences are:

M2: Netopil
M3: Stenz
M6: Stenz
M9: Netopil

It will be pretty interesting to see how this plays out.

At least the tam-tam player in Essen really knows how to whack that thing!

Offline John Kim

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Re: Netopil/Essen M3 (Oehms) - now out on Spotify
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2023, 03:41:32 PM »
Barry wrote:

However, the centrally placed orchestral passage goes for almost nothing. The percussion are almost non-existent there (why!?!). The brass chorale near the end of the finale isn't bad, but it doesn't have a whole of amplitude either.

Are we surprised? No! Almost all the M3rds I've heard have the same problems in V. & VI.


Offline erikwilson7

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Re: Netopil/Essen M3 (Oehms) - now out on Spotify
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2023, 03:55:32 PM »
Very true, John.

I think overall the first movement goes over best of the six here.

Offline barryguerrero

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Re: Netopil/Essen M3 (Oehms) - now out on Spotify
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2023, 04:56:13 PM »
I definitely got a better impression of it this morning, as I was able to turn it up more. I could actually hear the snare drum part more clearly (I wish they would use a deeper dish drum and a bit heavier sticks). Still, I don't think it's enough to make me want to buy a copy. I love Netopil's fast tempo for the climax to 'the southern storm' passage, but it needs more percussion. The codas to the first and third movements are done really well. For me, the trombones could be stronger at the climax of VI's long brass chorale, but I do like his balance and tone quality for the two sets of timpani at the end. it's not TOO soft, as Abbado often times was with his timpani there, but neither do they sound like they're driving piles into the ground.

I get the feeling that the hall in Essen is rather 'dry' sounding. It's a little bit shy on the bass end, and the woodwinds are frequently swallowed up. Given that Netopil is supposed to be such a Janacek enthusiast, you would think he would insist that the woodwinds remain audible at all times. I also get the feeling he spent too much time focusing on the strings, of course.

For the time being I'm going to give this a slip, and wait and see how the Vanska/Minnesota and Bychkov/Czech Phil. M3 recordings turn out. If I find a used copy at a low price, I might give this a spin on a good CD player. That could change a lot.

Also, guys, I'm finally getting tired of Spotify's numerous commercial interruptions. I'm hesitant to go with yet another subscription plan of some sort. Suggestions?
« Last Edit: June 16, 2023, 04:58:26 PM by barryguerrero »

Offline erikwilson7

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Re: Netopil/Essen M3 (Oehms) - now out on Spotify
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2023, 05:16:04 PM »
I just re-subscribed to Idagio last week. I love it. $9.99/month with lossless FLAC streams and downloads? Amazing. (check the prices on their website, not through the Apple app store as Apple jacks up the monthly price to $12.99 for no reason other than it competes with their own product so they can).

Idagio does a really great focus on composers and their works, and recordings. This is as opposed to Spotify where you have to search for albums and key words / artists (not classical-friendly).

I wasn't big on Apple Classical as I share the same grievances as David Hurwitz does about it: it's too focused on individual tracks whereas classical music is about works, which Idagio does really well.

Apple is the better all-in-one if you want to have classical and non-classical together, but in my opinion Idagio is the supreme solely classical app. Presto's new app is supposed to be great too; it's essentially their whole digital catalog organized very nicely, including jazz.

I think Idagio has a month free trial, check it out if you want.

Offline John Kim

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Re: Netopil/Essen M3 (Oehms) - now out on Spotify
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2023, 05:19:13 PM »
I subscribe to IDAGIO too but don't think dowanloads are allowed.


Offline erikwilson7

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Re: Netopil/Essen M3 (Oehms) - now out on Spotify
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2023, 05:30:15 PM »
You're right that you can't download and use the files themselves outside of the app, but you can download within the app itself for offline listening or to save data usage.

That's the implication of the "offline listening on mobile devices" bullet point of the details in their subscription plans:

Offline barryguerrero

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Re: Netopil/Essen M3 (Oehms) - now out on Spotify
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2023, 08:23:06 PM »
Thank you, guys! Getting back to Mahler, I'm actually very happy with the Y. Sado/Vienna Tonkunstler M3 I picked up last month (great sound!). I like pretty much all of it, except for Sado's steadfast and glacial conducting of the last 7 or 8 minutes of the finale (from the start of the brass chorale). It's super-slow and he doesn't vary the tempo in the slightest. I'm not a fan of that.

Offline barryguerrero

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Re: Netopil/Essen M3 (Oehms) - now out on Spotify
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2023, 10:49:29 PM »
Ut-oh!   .    .    .  As I'm listening to more and more of this at a higher playback level, I'm beginning to like more and more of what I'm hearing. I'll just need to shake this off; let it rest on the floor for a few days, and then put it back together by re-listening to it from beginning to end.

I suspect that Amazon will eventually get the hard-copy discs at a reasonable price.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2023, 10:51:24 PM by barryguerrero »

Offline John Kim

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Re: Netopil/Essen M3 (Oehms) - now out on Spotify
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2023, 11:40:06 PM »

Sado's M2 & M3 are both avalilable on IDAGIO and I like them very much.

The slow ending to the Finale of M3rd doesn't bother me at all and I like his pacing overall (33 min for I., 25 min for Adagio).



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