Because I'm not doing much this thanksgiving season (except lots of school work), I thought I'd gather my M6 library together and hear what my favorites are as of the end of this year. After a couple weeks of M6 are the ones that most impressed me...I'll stick to commercial recordings this time:
1. Bernstein/VPO/DG (Extraordinary...more than I realized. Hearing Eschenbach inspired me to return to the ol' sturm and drang M6...and this Bernstein really beats all in this dept...when it comes down to brass tax, I love this kind of playing for the M6 the most)
2. Sanderling/St.Petersburg (A great balance between sturm and drang, and the classical idealization the M6 tries to be)
3. Bertini/KRSO/EMI (Just really love the flow and the after another details just flash out and dissapear into the grand structure unfolding before our ears...the andante here is alone worth the price of admission...another great finale as well)
4. Horenstein/Bournmouth/BBC Legends (Never heard such an objective vision for this work, very unique...and like Bertini the details really draw me into the overall work...the scherzo is particulary good...sadly the finale doesn't quite live up to what the performance was building towards...but very interesting, and keeps me returning regardless, like the allure of an unfinished Cezanne painting)
5. Karajan/BPO/DG (Love the refined sound here...develops a different mood altogether for the usually dark and heroic M6...a unique sound world is presented...full of grand space, and glacier-like coolness)
These are truly the creme of the crop in my listening room...especially the Bernstein. Revisting this recording was a revelation the other night, and I relistened tonight to make sure...but I truly feel this is one of the most incredible performances of anything I've heard. Favorite moments include:
--The trumpet near the beginning of the development in I...truly sounding like the cry of the universe.
--The tam tam in all the movements (the darkest I've heard...Sanderling does come close though).
--The cowbells
--The flow of the Scherzo despite the upheaval in tempo...somehow it really works. Also the high piercing Gielen is great here as well.
--The andante is a showstopper...the VPO at their best. And I kinda like to hear the andante slower...

--The Finale actually sounds scary, and dangerious...again thanks to the VPO...what execution, they really sing this symphony through and through.