Overall this is really a fine performance, well characterized and executed but I agree that the scherzo seems too cautious and the finale would benefit from more momentum. I'll have to listen again to Jansons/BRSO because during my most recent M7 obsession I thought that recording was at the top level.
Two quibbles about Haitink: At rehearsal number 254 in the finale, the bass drum plays two forte eighth notes, a pattern that repeats two bars later. In this BRSO recording the first two strokes are missing. (My score is the Eulenberg which may be less authoritative than the UE or newer edition.) Then, in the penultimate bar, the trumpets and low brass are supposed to start fortissimo then diminuendo to piano. This is one of Mahler's jokes, because we've endured several false endings already and it sounds like he's going to trail off and do it again, then ends with the "stinger" in the last bar. I can't think of any other conductor who ignores this direction except for Haitink. In his old RCO recording he starts the brass quietly then does a crescendo, the opposite of Mahler's instructions. In later performances, such as one live here in Chicago and on this BRSO edition, he plays a kind of sforzando, loud at first then somewhat quieter, but not a diminuendo. He seemed to have a bee in his bonnet about those last two bars and the musical logic escapes me.